Housing 101: Massachusetts and Federal Funds and Supportive Services
About the Presenter
Cathy Boyle is the president of Autism Housing Pathways, a non-profit organization that works with people with developmental disabilities and their families to identify housing options. A commissioner of the Winchester Housing Authority, and a member of the Winchester Housing Partnership Board, she has successfully completed 60 hours of HUD housing counseling training. Cathy holds a certificate of graduate studies from UMass Boston in adapting curriculum.
This presentation was originally part of AANE’s 2023 Virtual Jody Acford Conference: Navigating the Public Support Roadmap for Autistic Adults. It introduces families and Autistic individuals to the range of Massachusetts and federal funds available to pay for housing and supportive services. Some examples are given of how these can be combined with private funding to create housing opportunities.
(Presentation begins at the 5:51 time stamp.)
Language Disclaimer: Over the decades, many different terms have been used to discuss autism. AANE is shifting to identity-first language and the term “Autistic” to describe our community, but we continue to respect each individual’s choice of language to describe their own neurotype. Even though this presentation was made before our language shift, we have decided to continue to share it for its valuable information and insight. Learn more about our language and history.
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