Autism & Trauma

Nancy Roosa, Psy.D & Dr. Monaghan-Blout

About the Presenter

Nancy Roosa, Psy.D. has been engaged in providing neuropsychological services for children and young adults since 1997. She graduated from Brown University with a BS degree in Neural Science and then completed her graduate work at Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology.

Dr. Monaghan-Blout specializes in the assessment of clients with complex learning and emotional issues. She is a member of the Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative (TLPI) associated with Massachusetts Advocates for Children and the Harvard Law Clinic.

Autistic people are more likely to suffer traumatic events both large and small, but may have fewer skills to understand, process, and recover from these events. This situation is made worse because symptoms of trauma are often overlooked in Autistic individuals. This webinar will feature an interactive discussion between Dr. Roosa, who specializes in the impact of autism, and Dr. Monaghan-Blout who specializes in the impact of trauma, using cases that feature either or both of these conditions and how their treatment is affected

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Language Disclaimer: Over the decades, many different terms have been used to discuss autism. AANE is shifting to identity-first language and the term “Autistic” to describe our community, but we continue to respect each individual’s choice of language to describe their own neurotype. Even though this presentation was made before our language shift, we have decided to continue to share it for its valuable information and insight. Learn more about our language and history.

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