Double Empathy: Its impact on people with ASD

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Date Posted

Research Study Description

In this study, I am researching the concept of double empathy. This relates to how there are many misconceptions about those with autism spectrum disorder due to the fact that most studies have been conducted by allistic individuals. Therefore, instead of describing the accurate autistic experience, they might be simply adjusting their perception to their interpretation. I believe this happens with empathy. In this study, I am seeking students between the ages of 18 to 25 to complete this 12 minute survey (half that time for those with an ASD diagnosis) in order to research the different types of preferred empathy from each group, how empathy is expressed differently instead of the common approach that suggests autistic folk struggle with empathy.

For any questions about this research, please contact me at [email protected].

Thank you for your time and consideration,
Maria Dezcallar

Name of Organization:
Maria Dezcallar (through SWPS University, Poland)

For questions, please email::
[email protected]

Study Link: