Help reveal what improves sleep for teens with Autistic siblings by participating in our online questionnaire study! We are looking for parent-adolescent pairs who have a child/sibling with Autism and live in the US to help us gain a better understanding of the sleep and sleep hygiene of adolescents who have a sibling with Autism. Participants will be asked to meet with a researcher over videocall to confirm their identity and go over the consent and assent forms. Each participant will then be asked to complete a brief online questionnaire asking about the sleep habits and practices of the adolescent participant. Participants who complete their questionnaire will be entered to win 1 of 5 $100 Amazon e-gift cards. If you are interested in joining or have any questions please email the principal investigator of the study ([email protected]). We hope to help families of a person with Autism better understand their sleep and its importance to a healthy life so we appreciate your time and consideration!
Name of Organization:
California State University San Marcos
For questions, please email::
[email protected]