AANE trains BU Agganis Arena staff – “Boston Herald” interview with AANE Exec Dir

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PUBLISHED: October 29, 2022 at 7:47 p.m. |UPDATED: October 29, 2022 at 8:19 p.m

Boston University Agganis Arena – Wally Gobetz – flickr

The opening of a sensory room at Boston University’s Agganis Arena on Saturday, however, will make adults and parents of children with sensory processing disorder feel a whole lot more comfortable attending venues throughout Greater Boston, said Brenda Dater, executive director of Watertown-based Asperger/Autism Network.

“It’s truly inclusive instead of saying ‘‘This is a space that’s really not available to you,” Dater said. “If we can do it here, we can do it in a lot of other places, which is great.”

Dater’s organization trained all part- and full-time Agganis staff members on how to recognize and react to guests experiencing sensory overload.

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