Research Studies

AANE maintains this listing of current research for the community’s information and possible participation.

Please note:

  • These research studies are external and are not run by nor affiliated with AANE.
  • AANE is committed to identity-first language and non-medical language and approach but the research studies posted may not follow the same practices.

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Guidelines for Research Study Submission

  • Studies conducted in the United States should be reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB).
  • Studies conducted outside of the United States should be reviewed and approved by a comparable independent organization.
  • Studies will be posted on this page within 5 to 7 business days after the form is submitted if the study is consistent with AANE’s mission and values.
  • Research studies will be removed from this page approximately one year after being posted unless a different timeframe is specified.

Researchers are invited to submit or make updates to a previously submitted study by using the button below.

  • Navigating Neurodiversity: Work Experiences of Individuals with Autism

    My name is Andrew Lester, and I am a senior at Babson College. I am conducting research on the experiences of employees with autism, and I’m writing today to ask if you would be able to support my research by sharing a recruitment flyer with your stakeholders (e.g., by sending it to your mailing list […]

  • LGBTQ+ Adolescents with Disablitilies’ Experiences of School Connectedness and Identity Navigation

    Are you a middle or high school student with a disability who identifies as LGBTQ+? If yes, I want to hear about your experiences with school connectedness and identity! Eligibility Criteria: Be in grades 6-12 Have a current IP for a disability Identify as LGBTQ+ Have parent/guardian consent to allow you to participate in an […]

  • Caregivers’ perspectives on AAC acceptance, abandonment, and rejection.

    I am looking to connect with caregivers (18 years or older) of individuals (of any age) who were recommended AAC, whether they chose to use it or not. I am particularly interested in the perspectives of caregivers who began using AAC with the individual in their care but then stopped and the perspectives of caregivers […]

  • Suicide Prevention in the Emergency Department for Autistic Individuals

    You are being invited to participate in a research study entitled, “Experiences and Outcomes of Suicidal Individuals with and without Autism in Emergency Departments Nationwide.” Our goal is to learn ways to improve suicide prevention services for autistic individuals in the emergency department (ED). We’d like to learn from your experience as an autistic individual […]

  • Analysis of unconventional and conventional gestures in children with autism

    This study is a dissertation study. This study is intended to examine gestures of autistic children. In general, research has shown that autistic children communicate through gestures, but the developmental pathway is different from non-autistic children. This study is an attempt to identify the gestural forms unique to the autistic child that are communicative but […]

  • Perspectives of Autistic Adults on Playground and Inclusivity

    We are looking for autistic adults to reflect on their childhood experiences and provide their perspectives on how playground elements facilitated or limited their ability to play. This research is being performed by graduate students in Elizabethtown College’s Occupational Therapy program. Name of Organization: Elizabethtown College Occupational Therapy For questions, please email:: [email protected] Study Link:  […]

  • VERAS: a Brain & Language Study

    Thank you for your interest in our language study! The aim of this study is to understand language processing in the brain as it relates to your learning and language abilities in autistic and non-autistic adults. The study consists of a 2-hour in-person assessment session and a 1.5 hour on-site fMRI session at Northeastern University. […]

  • Creative Arts-Based Pedagogy with autistic students in mainstream schools: Co-Producing a Manifesto

    Researchers at University of York are recruiting autistic young people who attend mainstream secondary schools to participate in an online interview study (expected to take between 15 minutes and 1 hour), and mainstream secondary school teachers in England (responses from autistic teachers are particularly welcome) to take part in an online questionnaire. The study is […]

  • Remote Training for Caregivers of Children with Autism

    Building independence and self-management skills are important to your child’s success in school and life. Research demonstrates that a child’s ability to independently complete tasks or shift to new activities is an important living skill that promotes greater autonomy, confidence, and higher quality of life. This study examines how caregivers can be remotely trained to […]

  • Conversations- How do autistic and non-autistic adolescents talk to each other?

    Your child (aged 8 years-14 only) will come to our lab in Boston to have several brief (five minutes) conversations with another teenager via Zoom. The teens will watch a two-minute video about related topics and then talk to each other about what they saw. After the conversation, Both participants will also answer a few […]

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