If you’re ready to talk to your teen or young adult about sex, relationships, puberty and more…Join Our Study!
We worked with parents, young people on the autism spectrum, and experts to create skill-building resources to enhance conversations between parents and their youth on a variety of sexuality topics. Our focus: communication strategies, developing bodies, healthy relationships, and sexual and reproductive health
Now we want to know if you find them helpful!
You might be eligible if you have a child on the autism spectrum between the ages of 13-21, who lives with you at least part time, you are both in the United States, and are both looking to participate. More information provided at the website.
This project is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research grant #90BISB0022-02-00.
Name of Organization:
dFusion, Inc
For questions, please email:
[email protected]
Study Link: