Promoting Early Intervention Timing and Attention to Language (PETAL)

AANE maintains this listing of current research for the community’s information and possible participation. These research studies are external and are not ran by, nor affiliated with, AANE. To return to the main research study page that includes the full listing of research studies, study guidelines, and a link to submit a research study, click this link.

Date Posted

Research Study Description

Researchers at the UMass Chan Medical School are interested in learning more about the language and social communication skills of children with siblings of autism. Massachusetts children who are 6-8 months of age and has an older sibling with autism may be enrolled in this study. In this study, parents fill out questionnaires. Developmentally appropriate screening tool, activity cards, toy, and book given to families trimonthly. Weekly virtual social and communication coaching sessions for parents. Assessments of language skills, cognitive skills, and brain activity. Parent and baby will be videotaped while they play. Baby wears a digital recording device in a vest to record a day’s language environment. Standardized assessment of autism symptoms of 24 months. This study will take about 16-18 months (until the child is 24 months of age) and can take a total of 60 hours to 82 hours. Contact: [email protected] or 774-479-6025.

Name of Organization:
The University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School

For questions, please email::
[email protected] or 774-479-6025

Study Link: 
The PETAL study flyers are at the bottom of the UMass Chan Lead Lab Active Studies web page: