More and Less Social Comprehension: Child and Text Factors for Autistic Children

AANE maintains this listing of current research for the community’s information and possible participation. These research studies are external and are not ran by, nor affiliated with, AANE. To return to the main research study page that includes the full listing of research studies, study guidelines, and a link to submit a research study, click this link.

Date Posted

Research Study Description

The purpose of the More and Less Social Comprehension study conducted by the KU CALL Lab is to learn more about how children’s abilities impact their understanding of different types of stories.

Who? 9- to 12-year-olds who are autistic/ children who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), speak English, and use phrase-level verbal communication.

What? You (the parent/guardian) will fill out forms about your child’s development. Your child will listen to stories and complete assessments of their language, social communication, reading, and nonverbal cognition.

How? Complete two in-person sessions (~2.5 hours each; 5 hours total) at the time and location of your convenience.

When? After school and weekend participation times available.

Risks/Benefits? There are no risks or discomforts anticipated. There are minimal direct benefits to you (a report upon request) and others.

Compensation? Participants receive a small prize after each session and families receive hourly compensation ($20/hr) for each visit completed ($40-$100) and an optional report.

If you have any questions, you can email ([email protected]) or call (785-864-6037). If you would
like to participate, you may call or email us or complete the form available at

Thank you for your consideration,

Comprehension and Language Learning (CALL) Lab
University of Kansas
Phone: 785-864-6037
Email: [email protected]

Name of Organization:
University of Kansas Comprehension and Language Learning (CALL) Lab

For questions, please email::
[email protected]

Study Link: