Learning about Autistic Teens’ Experiences in Therapy

AANE maintains this listing of current research for the community’s information and possible participation. These research studies are external and are not ran by, nor affiliated with, AANE. To return to the main research study page that includes the full listing of research studies, study guidelines, and a link to submit a research study, click this link.

Date Posted

Research Study Description

The Virginia Tech Autism Clinic & Center for Autism Research (VTAC/CAR) wants to learn about the therapy experiences of autistic teens. We are recruiting for a questionnaire and interview study of teenagers on the autism spectrum who have received mental health therapy in the past.

WHO – You are eligible to participate if you:
• Have been diagnosed with autism
• Are ages 13-17
• Have received mental health therapy (currently or in the past)

WHAT – You will be asked to complete a few online questionnaires and participate in a one-hour interview with a researcher. For your participation you will be compensated with a $25 gift card.

WHERE/WHEN – At your convenience online!

CONTACT – Our research team at [email protected] to learn more, or follow the link to the interest survey!

Name of Organization:
Virginia Tech

For questions, please email:
[email protected]

Study Link: 