Facial Expressions Study
The specific aim of the current study is to gain a deeper understanding of the diagnostic journeys experienced by low-support needs Autistic adults.
The specific objectives of the current study are;
• Explore how low-support needs autistic adults make sense of receiving a clinical diagnosis
• Explore how low-support needs autistic adults navigate life post-diagnosis.
Therefore, the overarching research question of this study is:
‘How do low-support needs Autistic adults make sense of their diagnostic journey?’
We will be using a qualitative methodology of semi-structured Online Interviews to explore this research question. All the data will be anonymized and analysed using interpretive phenomenological analysis. All Ethical quidelines will be adhered to, ensuring all data is confidential, appropriately stored and appropriately destroyed. We hope to improve patient-doctor engagement using this research as well as listening to individuals who are directly affected in order to reform the healthcare system.
email : [email protected]