This research study is looking at how autistic people think about gender identity and sexual orientation. It will be done via focus group over the text-based social media platform Discord, where I have a private server set up for participants to answer questions about the concepts of gender identity and sexual orientation. It should only take up a couple hours over the course of the weekend of September 14th-15th. Participants will be able to answer the questions directly and talk to each other about their answers. I’m looking for people of all genders, sexualities, races, class, and immigration status so the research is as representative as possible. All participants will be assigned a pseudonym when joining the Discord server, and no one but myself will have access to the screening demographic questions and all real identities will be detached from those questions for participant safety. Participants will have the chance to look over my research and give me feedback before I submit it to my dissertation committee for review. Participants who complete the study by answering all the questions will be emailed a $25 Visa gift card for their time once the Discord closes.
Name of Organization:
Doctoral student at Widener University's Center for Human Sexuality Studies
For questions, please email::
[email protected]
Study Link: