Our Impact
In Their Own Words
Discover the difference AANE has made in the lives of its community members. Thank you to the donors who have made impact like this possible with their generous gifts.

“I am the parent of an Autistic daughter. What most people don’t know is that I am Autistic as well. The sense of acceptance, community, and trust I experienced at AANE gave me the confidence and the courage to get a diagnosis. With my diagnosis came a tremendous sense of relief, and a powerful new self-knowledge. I am now unafraid to share who I am.“
-Mark, AANE Community Member

“I’ve often felt alone in my advocacy and support of my children, and as a caregiver, I didn’t always prioritize my own needs for support. AANE is a community I know I can turn to with my questions, people who can direct me to resources that can help, and groups that can encourage and support me.”
-Lisa, AANE Parent

“AANE was one of the few places I found with a virtual support group specifically for Autistic adults of color…. Above all, the group has been validating: I am not alone, and what I experience is real.”
-Seung, AANE Adult

“My confidence both in myself and my skills has grown exponentially since starting working with my LifeMAP coach. My coach is always there to motivate me to say yes, you can. And here’s practical, easy steps to make what you want to do happen.”
-April, LifeMAP Client
Support AANE
We need your help to make more stories like these possible for Autistic individuals and their families.
What Makes AANE Different
Hear from three staff members about the unique impact our organization makes every day.
By the Numbers
See a year of programming and support in the numbers below. For more about our impact, check out our annual report.

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